Guide: Transfer Pho­tos from Email to Google Photos: Guide

If you previously received photos on Gmail, moving them to Google Photos was easy. One would save them to Google Drive and they would show up in Google Photos as they were linked. But recently, Google didn’t like Google Photos and Drive. That also affected the way people move images from an email to Google Photos. If you’re getting a lot of images in Gmail that you’d like to display in your Google Photos, things are different now. While there is no direct way to move them to Google Photos, several alternatives exist. Let’s check how to move photos from email, especially from Gmail to Google Photos.

How to Transfer photos from email to Google Photos on the web

This can be done in two ways. Each has its pros and cons. Let’s take a look at them.

1. Move photos to Google Photos with Google Drive

The first method uses Google Drive using the built-in feature in Google Photos. You need to upload the photos to Drive from Gmail first and then add them to Google Photos using the native Drive option. We know that Google Photos allows us to upload unlimited photos, provided the upload size is set to high quality in Google Photos settings. So check the quality before adding the photos from Drive. Once added, delete the photos from Drive to make them free up Google storage.

Here are the steps in detail: Note: This method only works with Gmail. Step 1: Open the email from which you want to move photos to Google Photos. Step 2: Click the Save to disk icon next to the photos. All photos are automatically added to the root directory of Google Drive. To move only selected photos, click the Drive icon on the photos themselves.

Note: Pictures are taken at this point up the storage space on Google Drive. Step 3: Open and click Upload.

Step 4: Click on Google Drive in the menu.

Step 5: Select the photos to upload to Google Photos. The photos appear on the date they were taken and not at the top.

Step 6: Open and delete the photos if you want them for free up space on Google storage. Deleting them on Drive will not delete them from Google Photos.

2. Move photos to Google Photos by downloading them

The downside to the above method is that it only works for Gmail. For other emails including Gmail, you can use the normal procedure where you need to download all the photos on your PC and then add them to Google Photos manually. Here are the steps in detail: Step 1: Open the email with the photos. Step 2: Click Download all attachments to download all photos. A ZIP file will be downloaded to your PC. You can even download individual photos by clicking the download icon.

Note: Extract the ZIP file to add the photos to Google Photos. Step 3: Open Click Upload and select Computer. Navigate to the extracted or downloaded photos you want to add.

How to Upload photos from email to Google Photos at Mobile

Let’s look separately for Android and iPhone.

Move photos from email to Google Photos on Android

There are two methods of doing that.

1. Move photos with Share Icon

Step 1: Open the email with the photos. Step 2: Tap the photo and click the three-dot icon at the top. Select Share from the menu. In some apps you will find the Share all option. Use it to save all photos in the email directly to Google Photos.

Step 3: Select Google Photos. Then choose the Google account and tap Upload.

2. Add photos by downloading them

If you have multiple photos and your email app or website doesn’t support sharing all photos with Google Photos, you can download them individually on your phone and then upload them together. As a back-up for Google Photos is enabled for the Downloads folder on your phone, and when you download them, they are automatically added to Google Photos. If you have the backup feature of Google Photos on your phone, you have to add them manually. Here are the steps: Step 1: Open the email. Find the download button of the pictures. You may need to open the photos and tap the three-dot icon. Step 2: Once all the photos are downloaded, open your gallery app phoneSelect the photos and tap the share icon. Select Google Photos.

If you are using Google Photos as your gallery app, launch the Google Photos app. Tap Albums and navigate to the folder containing the downloaded images. Open the photo. Wipe up and select Back up

Upload photos from email to Google Photos on iPhone

Step 1: Launch the email app and navigate to the email you want. Step 2: Open the photo and tap the download icon at the top.

Step 3: After you’ve downloaded all the photos, open the Google Photos app. Select the photos and tap the backup icon.

Why use Google Photos instead of Google Drive

In case you were wondering, isn’t it better to store the photos only on Google Drive? Well, you can. But as you know, photos stored in Google Drive count towards your Google storage quota. This is not the case with Google Photos if images are added in high quality. Also, viewing and sharing photos is easier on Google Photos as compared to Drive. So it is better to use Google Photos. We hope Google provides a native button in Gmail to add photos to Google Photos. The next up: Considering removing some photos from Google Photos? Learn what happens when you delete an image from Google Photos on Android, iPhone, and the web.

Transfer Pho­tos from Email to Google Photos: Guide: benefits


Final note

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