For the uninitiated, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is just a group of computers that are interconnected and connected to the Internet. VPNs have many usage scenarios. Companies use it to let employees work remotely and securely, transfer data, and more. Mere mortals use it to try to anonymize themselves, mask their identities, unblock country-specific content, and add an extra layer of security between them and the more excellent web. Image via Shutterstock. VPNs are, of course, much more than this how Stuff Works has a great tutorial if you’re willing to dive deeper. But for the average security-conscious, VPN means an easy way to encrypt their internet usage. Institution up a VPN network itself is not accessible. That is why you will find numerous services, large and small, ready to help you. There are many reasons why you use VPNs, and in this article, we’ll focus on why you shouldn’t just use free VPN services.

Proxy servers cost money

There is a very true saying, “proxy servers don’t grow on trees.” Of course not, they are usually found in the cloud. While it may not look like much from the user’s point of view, running a VPN means setting up servers (really powerful, always-on, connected computers), employing people to maintain them, keep them running, and writing software to run your connection through them. Depending on what you use the VPN for, there are also big bandwidth costs. It’s safe to say that running VPNs isn’t a problem.

The cost of free is a loss of privacy

If you don’t pay with real money, you usually pay with your private information or directly jeopardize your privacy. That’s ironic because many of us use VPNs because we are concerned about privacy on the Internet. Companies from Facebook to Google and everyone in between want your personal information – where you live, how old you are, your gender, your interest, so that they can sell that data to advertisers who, in turn, hope to super-target you. Offer advertisements. That you click on it and buy something.

Completely free VPN hosts cannot be trusted

Many companies offer their services for free to create a huge user base and generate income later. These companies usually survive from investment funds. Some companies offer a free tier that will satisfy most customers and charge for professionals who they hope will also cover the cost of freeloaders. Image via Flickr. If a company does neither of these things, but still offers a completely free service, something is up (this isn’t just limited to VPN services and even just the criteria above). If you are using VPN, do this to mask your real identity. You probably don’t want trackers from services like Google or Facebook to always know about you. Or you use it to watch blocked YouTube videos. In that case, whatever. But when you use free VPN services, all that personal information goes to them. This is arguably worse because free VPN services can do crazy things to make the money you didn’t pay for. They can inject ads that weren’t there, sell your personal information to malicious parties, and, as we saw recently, turn your entire computer into a botnet.

What about Tor?

Tor is sort of a VPN, except not really. With Tor, you mask your real IP address and personal information by routing your traffic through multiple server locations managed by Tor volunteers around the world. Tor is free to use and there is no single entity running the show. But Tor is not easy. You need a special browser, and since Tor directs your traffic across the web, it is slow. In addition, some ISPs actively block Tor access. But if you want to anonymize your internet access for free and don’t mind waiting a while, Tor might be for you. But for most of us it is not the right solution.

What should you consider when choosing a VPN?

When looking for a VPN provider, make sure to keep the provider no logs of your activity. If there are no logs, there probably are no government backdoors. It is also better that the provider uses DNS servers and their servers are physically close to their offices. Some VPNs allow you to access torrents, some don’t. Check out TorrentFreak’s analysis to learn more about what to look for with a VPN service provider. Lifehacker also has a great collection of the best VPN services, according to their readers.

Which VPN service should you use?

You still need VPNs. That country-blocked Comedy Central video won’t unlock itself. If you are a heavy VPN user – that is, you need it for work or if you are going to use more than a few GB per month, you should invest in a paid VPN service. They cost anywhere from $ 2.49 to $ 4.99 per month. And VPN services aren’t just limited to your PC. Once you have a monthly membership, you can use VPN on Android and iOS devices too. If you only need VPN services sparingly, use a free plan from a service that you know also has a paid tier. TunnelBear has a free plan of 500 MB per month. They now also have a super handy Chrome extension that makes the process of connecting to a VPN super easy. If you exceed the limit, sign up for the paid plan of $ 4.99 per month. If you are only going to use VPN when traveling the world, they will pay $ 2.99 / month mobile only planning. Here’s a list of other legit VPN services:

Private Internet Access – $ 6.95 / month, $ 39.95 / yearIPVanish – $ 10 / month, $ 77.99 / yearPrivateVPN – € 7 / month, € 66 / yearHotspotShield: $ 24.99 / year

Which VPN service are you using?

Do you use a free VPN service, have a paid subscription, or have you set it up? up a do-it-yourself solution? Share with us in the comments below

Things to Know About Free VPNs: benefits


Final note

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