Guide: How to Track All Google Voice Com­mands Giv­en

Ever since Google launched its voice search service, it keeps track of everything you tell you phoneBefore you panic and come up with scenarios where Google is secretly tracking everything and everything you do, let’s calm down. It’s no secret what they track and there are ways to turn it off. Does Google record everything you say? But if you didn’t know such a thing existed, well HELLO! Nice to see you wake up up wake up deep sleep and finally see that Google has a lot of your information. But instead of fear, here’s how to keep track of at least one thing. Voice commands.

Google account history

Google has this database where you can see almost everything about you in one place. Just like a safe. A data vault with your search strings and everything else. Voice data is also not exempt from this safe. Whether you are using Android or not, the following information is stored on Google’s servers –1. Your IP address 2. The date and time of each search 3. The full URL you clicked 4. Header information including browser and OS details 5. Unique cookie ID stored since your first visit It’s complicated: We’ve previously discussed more about Google account history for users and also explained that privacy and Google have a complicated relationship.

Voice and audio data

So, what about voice data? Well, Google has stored that on their servers for every command you have given. Whether it will stay there is still unclear, but here’s How to access it.

You must first visit your Google account page for audio and see the information for yourself. The further you scroll down, the further back in time you can see the recordings. Some may not have the text transcript available, and these are for those instances where Google couldn’t detect exactly what you asked for it.

The moment you said your command, it may have felt like you said it right. Or Google is just stupid because it doesn’t understand what I’m saying here. But playing back some of these makes you realize how the background noise makes it hard for Google to hold up with your requests. Any little bit of noise, such as the TV in the background, or even a fan, is a distraction. After all, the recognition system is an AI program, not a human!

Should you delete it?

Of course you can delete all these voice commands from the beginning. There is no shortcut here and unfortunately you have to manually scroll the page and keep checking every day, which will tick all the boxes for searches on that day. The DELETE option is then displayed up top right.

But is that really effective? Will it also be deleted from Google’s servers? There isn’t much clarity here, but if you’re paranoid about your safety, go ahead and delete all of your speech clips.

Should you turn off voice control?

Google has opened itself up up and now shows users what it has and has not saved. But if you’re concerned about your privacy, then go ahead and disable voice control feature on your Android device. Go to Google Now and then tap the settings of the hamburger icon in the top right corner. Here, tap on Speech and toggle between the first two on this screen fromIf the 3rd option is enabled, you can also disable it.

For more peace of mind, go ahead and click on Delete Voice Model, which will essentially erase your voice training you gave to Google to know your voice.

Now rest easy

If that makes you feel comfortable, do it right away. But there’s no question that Google already knows more about you than your own mother. That’s not to say we don’t encourage our readers to take privacy concerns lightly, but there’s also no reason to panic buttonYet.

How to Track All Google Voice Com­mands Giv­en: benefits


Final note

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