Guide: How to Send Big Files Over Email

Those days are long gone when a simple photo taken on a smartphone was less than a megabyte. With the advent of phones with incredible cameraphotos and background software processing, the size of photos easily takes up a few megabytes. The other day, I tried to email a few photos through Gmail and, as you might have guessed, I couldn’t upload them with their usual message ‘One or more files not attached. Size 20 MB “. Before you judge me why I would still email photos instead of sharing them via social media, let me make it clear that I sent them to a friend who is not very good at Google Photos yet and the great photo sharing features So this got me thinking about how to send large files through an email. Fortunately, the Internet rarely surprises and I have found several options that allow me to send these files. The good news about these options is that a few can be used outside of Gmail as well. Google Drive seems like the obvious choice and a fairly well-known option. That’s why we don’t cover it here. Other stories How to Easy Share Huge files from your SkyDrive

1. Dropbox for Gmail

When we talk about sending large files via Gmail, the Google Chrome extension for Dropbox should be the first option that comes to mind. Using this extension to send large files is as easy as counting from 1 to 3.

All you need to do is download the extension and log into your Google account. When you’re done, the little Dropbox icon will be displayed up next to Send button in the message box.

Then, to load your files into Dropbox, click the icon, select the file, and click Insert. That is it. A link to the file is shared with the recipient. Also see: Google Docs vs. Dropbox Paper: Which Is Best?

2. Firefox Send

The next option is Firefox Send from Mozilla’s home. This is an encrypted file transfer system launched in January that allows you to share files up up to 1 GB in size.

This service can be used by those who don’t want their files floating on the internet. The added benefit of this file transfer system is that you can protect the files with a password, giving you a secondary layer of authentication. All you need to do is email the other person a series of long and complex letters. The Firefox Send link is only valid for 24 hours and the recipient will need to respond within that time or the link will expire. What’s interesting is that you can also delete a sent file from your end. In terms of security, it is not 100% full proof, but it is nonetheless a better way to send large files via an email.

3. DropSend

DropSend is another useful tool for sending large files via emails. Like Firefox Send, this file transfer service allows you to send large files. However, the free version has a limit on the file size and the number of times you can use it during a month.

Unlike Firefox Send, you would have to register with this tool and, once your email account is verified, you can use it to send files via emails.

Another great advantage of this service is that you don’t have to copy and paste the link separately in an email. The tool does it on your behalf. All you need to do is enter the recipient’s email ID, a subject and the body text (optional) and, once the file is compressed, the email will be sent instantly.

4. WikiFortio

The last option on this list is WikiFortio. It’s also a file-sharing service, just like Firefox Send, which allows you to send password-protected files via email. The interface is simple and has two clear options: download file and upload a file.

All you need to do is click the Upload file option, enter the file details and click Upload. Easy! When you are done, the tool will show a variety of links that you need to share with the recipient. While you’re at it, don’t forget to reduce the Retention Period to 1 or 2 days.

WikiFortio is simple and easy to use. While it has an option to send a link in the email, I couldn’t get it to work.

Which would you choose?

So, these are the options that can be used to send large files when your email service refuses to add files above a certain limit. If you ask me, I really liked Firefox Send for its dramatically simple file encryption process. Another advantage of this tool is that the time it takes to compress the files is shorter than the other three services. So, which of these will you be using? Let us know in the comments below. See following: How to Integrate SkyDrive with Gmail to easily send files

How to Send Big Files Over Email: benefits


Final note

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