How to Opt out of the Google FLoC in Chrome – Guide

In this article, we will show you how to disable Google FloC by disabling the privacy sandbox setting in Google Chrome settings on Windows 10. FLoC is essentially designed to provide advertisers with the data they need to deliver targeted ads to users, helping users keep their data a little more secure . And while that’s how they want to sell it to their customers, many of them aren’t convinced. Big Data companies have a very delicate relationship with data tracking and privacy. Incidents like the Facebook Analytical controversy have made us question the extent to which our private data is stored and used by these tech giants. These sites primarily used cookies for tracking, and since this information and its implications became known, there has been concern about cookies and their relevance to many of them. A large part of Google’s revenue comes from its advertising business, which is heavily supported by these web cookies. For this reason, Google created a new feature called Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) available to a subset of its users (about 0.5%) as part of its privacy sandbox initiative.

How to disable Google FLoC in Chrome

Disable FLoC on Google Chrome Desktop

Disable FLoC in Google Chrome Mobile

Final note

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