Guide: How to Open Cur­rent Safari Tab in Chrome Browser

If you’re on a Mac, chances are you’re using Safari. It makes sense, it’s the default browser, and lately it’s gotten really good. Tests have shown it to be just as powerful as Chrome. And there’s one big reason to never get close to Chrome on a Mac: battery life. If you’re using Chrome, your Mac will die an hour or two earlier. At this point that is simply a fact. But one problem with using Safari is you cannot load Flash content. Macs are not preloaded with Flash. And while you can install it on your Mac, that’s going to be a whole different problem in itself. So what a lot of people do is have Chrome installed (which comes pre-installed with Flash) just in case. When they come across a page that cannot be loaded in Safari for some reason or another due to Flash content, they just open the page in Chrome. Mac users have been doing this for a long time, mostly using Apple Script and Automator actions. But now there is an easier way. As easy as installing an extension. Let’s get started.

How to Install Open in Chrome extension

The Open in Chrome extension for Safari is basically just Applescript wrapped up in an extension. It takes care of the nuts and bolts for you. Step 1: First, go to the project’s GitHub page, scroll down and click Download buttonThis will download a zip file.

Step 2: Extract the zip folder. You will see a number of files. Install the extension by double-clicking OpenInChrome.safariextz.

Step 3: To open the links in Chrome, you need to activate the ChromeHelper app in the folder you downloaded. You can move this to a place that you won’t accidentally delete. Then double-click it and click Open.

That’s it, you have installed the extension.

How to Open a Safari tab in Chrome

Now open Safari and in the top toolbar you will see a new icon with the right arrow. All you need to do is click on it and the tab will open in Chrome. It works perfectly as you can see in the GIF below.

What is your favorite browser?

Do you use Safari or Chrome on your Mac? I know Chrome has its problems and I sacrifice about 2 hours of battery life, but I just can’t make the switch to Safari. I’m too used to Chrome and Chrome extensions are where the action takes place. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

How to Open Cur­rent Safari Tab in Chrome Browser: benefits


Final note

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