Also, it is one of the starter options for Linux beginners. 22.04 (Ubuntu) Jammy Jellyfish is awesome and just released. There are some issues, however, that your beauty can’t do. up for. You might not even be aware of all the Linux distributions available for gaming. You need an ERP solution if your business has expanded to the point where you need assistance with planning and organizing details such as contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, inventory and schedules. To install an in-house solution in your data center or on a third-party cloud host, you can use a third-party platform or an in-house solution you deploy yourself. It is free and open source software made for companies, charities and independent contractors. can be set up and used offline or online on a shared or dedicated server so you can access it from anywhere. We have mentioned below the steps to install Dolibarr ERP or CRM platform on Ubuntu Server 22.04.
Steps to Install Dolibarr ERP or CRM Platform on Ubuntu Server 22.04
Install PHP on Ubuntu
Step 1: Install PHP and its extensions by running the commands below in your terminal: Step 2: Furthermore install libapache2-mod-php extension Step 3: to set up PHP settings as below Step 4: Define🇧🇷
Install MariaDB and create the database
Step 1: Dolibarr ERP & CRM needs a database storage for its data. Install MariaDB on your Ubuntu using the following commands: Step 2: Once the database server is installed, secure it running the commands below: Step 3: Enter the MySQL shell as root user and create a database for Dolibarr ERP & CRM. Step 4: Create a Database and User for Dolibarr ERP & CRM: Step 5: check if you can login to database shell as dolibarr user:
Download Dolibarr ERP & CRM on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04
Step 1: The next step is to download the latest version of Dolibarr ERP & CRM to your Ubuntu system using the wgetcommand🇧🇷 Step 2: Check the latest version of Dolibarr ERP and CRM on Github🇧🇷 Step 3: Extract the archive Step 4: Move the created directory from extraction to /srv/dolibarr Step 5: Then set proper permissions
Install and Configure the Apache2 Web Server
Step 1: Install Apache2 using: Step 2: Then create a virtual host file for vTiger Step 3: Add Dice🇧🇷 Step 4: Verify the file syntax: Options +FollowSymlinksAllowOverride AllRequire all granted Combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/dolibarr_error.logCustomLog /var/log/apache2/dolibarr_access.log Step 5: Restart apache2 service
Complete the installation of Dolibarr in the browser
Step 1: Finish the installation by opening in your browser. The first page will ask you to select and use the detected browser. Step 2: Confirm all installation prerequisites checks click To start to start the installation. Step 3: To define Data base Training. Step 4: Log in as an admin user to Dolibarr ERP & CRM management dashboard.
Final Words
We hope you enjoy our article on how to install Dolibarr ERP or CRM platform on Ubuntu Server 22.04. With substantial improvements in cloud computing, a real-time kernel for industrial applications, enterprise Active Directory, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, FIPS and FedRAMP compliance, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is now widely available and raising the bar for cloud open source edge, IoT, and workstations. Run the latest version of Long Term Support if you use Ubuntu.