How to Hide Phone Number in Telegram App – Guide

If you’re interested in secure communications, you’ve probably heard of Telegram, a cloud-based messaging and VoIP service. Telegram allows users to send messages, photos, videos streams, audio files and other files anonymously. Despite all the hype, Telegram is not a particularly secure communication app. Messages are only encrypted on the client side, and cryptography experts have criticized the application’s security architecture. For example, all contacts and messages are stored along with their decryption keys and the app does not have end-to-end encryption for messages. Additionally, Telegram’s custom encryption protocol has been shown to have significant security and reliability issues. For these reasons, many users still send messages via Telegram but want to anonymize themselves when using the service. More specifically, many people want to use Telegram but still hide their phone application number. This article will show you how to just do that.

steps to hide phone Telegram numbers:

Before going to Settings to hide the registry phone number of other users, make sure you are using the latest version of Telegram and have an active internet connection.

More telegram privacy Tips:

In addition to the contact number, users can also change the privacy status of other things like profile picture, last seen or online status. All these changes can be made in the Privacy Settings section.

Final note

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