How to Fix ‘This Site Can’t be Reached’ Issue on Chrome – Guide

When you visit a website, the error message This website cannot be accessed in Chrome browser is very common. Many Chrome browser users may face this error but don’t know how to fix this error. There are many situations that can trigger this error in Chrome browsers. Generally, the failure issue can occur in DNS lookup. DNS is the network address that translates the website name into your internet address. Everyone occasionally encounters an error while browsing the Internet. Some error codes, like Error 404, are easy to understand. However, others such as “This site cannot be accessed” are much more vague and do not provide information about how to fix them. There are several possible causes of “This site cannot be accessed” error in Google Chrome. Knowing these causes will help you better decide which troubleshooting methods to use so that you can get to the site you want. In this article, you will learn what causes the “This site cannot be reached” problem. Next, we’ll cover some ways to fix the problem.

How to Fix “This site cannot be reached” issue in Chrome

Check Internet proxy settings

Clear Cookies in Chrome Browser

Restart DNS client

Switch to Google DNS

Try resetting the TCP/IP configuration

If none of the above solutions work for you, open the command prompt as an administrator and run the following command.

Reinstall the Google Chrome browser

Reinstall the network adapter

Final note

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