How to fix Instagram Not Working – Guide

Instagram is one of the top five social media platforms with over a billion users. Chances are, if you’re sharing photos online, you’re doing it with Instagram. That’s why it’s so frustrating when Instagram doesn’t work for you. Here it is how to make Instagram work again. The best way to resolve an issue with Instagram is usually the same as any other technical issue. You fix the problem step by step, trying the simplest or most likely solution first and then moving on to more elaborate solutions. Here are eight troubleshooting options, from the easiest to the hardest. They may seem like different problems, but in most cases the solutions are similar or identical. That’s why I’m summarizing them in a helpful little article.

How to fix Instagram not working

Close and reopen Instagram

If Instagram has no general issues, the problem could be due to a software discrepancy. Try closing the Instagram app and opening it again. You can also try logging out and logging in again. Also, it is worth uninstalling the app completely and reinstalling it from the Google Play Store. One of these actions could put all the gears back in place and everything would go back to normal.

Check for updates

restart your phone

It often seems like a silly suggestion, but for some reason something as simple as restarting your phone can usually get everything working again. From a chance. Just restart the phone and try again.

check your internet

Enable app permissions

clear cache

Clear Cache on Android

Can’t follow more people

Final note

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