Unfortunately, despite being wonderful, honest individuals with whom players can form friendships, the residents of Moonbury will not assist players in obtaining the goods they require purely out of altruism. To exchange for products and services, players will need coins. We mentioned below are the ways to Earn Coins In Potion Permit.

Ways to Earn Coins In Potion Permit

Completing Quests and Tasks

Though the rewards are inconsistent and typically on the lower end, this will most likely be the first and simplest option to earn some additional gold in Potion Permit. However, you must begin somewhere, right? While not all missions will pay you for completing them, the Town Hall will frequently have board requests that will. All you need to do to finish a task from the Town Hall board is to put the necessary items in the Drop Box next to it.

Curing sick villagers at the Clinic

In the end, this is what you do, therefore it only makes sense to get paid for it. You must first identify the villagers’ conditions before using a potion to treat their true ailments. This ensures that you always make money because the reward you receive is always more than the cost of the potion itself. Additionally, you receive additional Moon Clovers for each patient that is successfully treated; these things are highly helpful for fostering stronger bonds with the in-game characters.

Getting some part-time jobs

In the game, there are three part-time positions that are constantly available: at the town hall, the nearby church, and the police station. You will need to spend two hours on each of the part-time jobs, and you must win a minigame in order for the task to be finished. You will get 125 gold coins for each task, which may not sound like much, but it adds up and can help you get out of a jam if you don’t have any other options. However, we must reiterate that the easiest way to make a tone of money in the game is by selling potions. Just concentrate on making tones of one particular one and selling it every day (even Tier 1 potions add up to large sums). Money issues are resolved!

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to Earn Coins In Potion Permit. Here are some ideas and tactics to make it a little less difficult in Potion Permit’s early game because players will require a lot of money to upgrade their gear and advance in the game. m Potion Permit doesn’t help the new Chemist in town’s situation at all, especially given the locals’ mistrust of outsiders in general and the Medical Association in particular. The player still has a lot of work to do if they wish to win the trust of the locals, even after healing the Mayor’s daughter and moving in permanently.

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