How to Drop a Pin on Google Maps on Mobile and Desktop – Guide

Google Maps has long won over SAT Navy providers to become one of the best map and trip planner apps for mobile and desktop devices, rivaling Apple Maps and Bing Maps along the way. You can use it to find a destination you know, but if you’re trying to find the address of a place you can see on Google Maps, you can put a pin in it. It will load relevant information about the location as well as help you find directions, view photos and more.

How to Drop a Pin on Google Maps Mobile (Android)

To drop a pin in Google Maps when using an Android device:

How to Drop a Pin on Google Maps Mobile (iOS)

The process for how to dropping a pin in Google Maps on iOS is basically the same as the process for Android.

How to Drop a pin in Google Maps on the desktop

Many people don’t realize that it is also possible to place a pin on Google Maps from any desktop operating system. The process is simple:

Final note

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