How to Create a Shopify Store – Guide

Shopify Inc. is a Canadian multinational e-commerce company based in Ottawa, Ontario. It is also the name of its proprietary e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems. The Shopify platform offers online retailers a suite of services including payment, marketing, shipping and customer engagement tools. The company reported that it had over 1,700,000 businesses in approximately 175 countries using its platform as of May 2021. According to BuiltWith, 1.58 million websites will run on the Shopify platform by 2021. According to W3Tech, 4 .4% of the top 10 million sites. Use Shopify. Total gross trading volume for the 2019 calendar exceeded $61 billion. As, Shopify is one of the top 10 publicly traded Canadian companies by market capitalization. Total revenue for the full year 2020 was $2.929 billion.

How to Create a Shopify store

Create your Shopify account

Visit the Shopify homepage; depending on your geographic location, you will be redirected to your local edition of, where you will see the option to start your free trial. Click on the icon located in the upper right corner of your web page. You will then be asked to fill in some basic details after which; you will have the option to create a store name. Remember that your Shopify store name is your identity, so make sure you choose a name that syncs with your business. If your chosen name isn’t available, you’ll be prompted to change your Shopify store name.

Provide more details about your Shopify store

In addition to providing personal contact information, Shopify will also ask you to provide information about your business. Fill in the fields asking for information about your business’s revenue, indicate what your Shopify store goal is, and billing details. Once they are filled in, you will be redirected to your Shopify admin page.

Customize your Shopify store

The admin page on Shopify has all the details you need to start your online marketplace. Here, you will be able to add items to your market, either individually or in bulk. You can also add services, files, and any items that may be available for digital download. Choose the look and feel of your shopify store. Your store’s aesthetic should reflect not just your product, but your spirit, your style, and more. You would pay close attention to the interiors of any brick and mortar store you set up. up to maximize customer flow, so why should your online store be any different? At Shopify, start by choosing a basic theme from one of the many offered for virtual storefronts, then customize them further to suit your brand’s design and look and feel.

Further customize your Shopify store layout

There are over 100 themes available in the Shopify Theme Store, many of them free. This is particularly useful for businesses that are just starting out and may not necessarily have the budget for the more premium themes. There are modifiable themes available in both the free and paid sections, which means you can still have your online store the way you want it. Knowing basic HTML and CSS, while useful for customizing your store, however, does not have to be a necessity. Shopify storefronts are all customizable, whether you’re familiar with the code or not. If you have a little more money to spend, Shopify has a network of web design agencies called “Shopify Experts” who can help you with the finer points of customization. You can also choose your Shopify theme based on the industry you’re in; Shopify’s website layout also helps to optimize your search. For example, if you’re selling clothing, Shopify has a category of recommended themes (again, available in both free and paid versions) for you, which may differ from the theme options available for the travel industry. Before choosing a theme, you can see a preview of it in action; this is especially useful if you’re using a paid theme – who doesn’t want to avoid buyer’s remorse? You will also be able to see comments from other people who have used the same theme. A big part of using a theme is how well it is optimized for mobile use. According to recent statistics, it is estimated today that over 52% of website users today access websites via mobile which means that it is crucial that your website is mobile-friendly. Since mobile Optimization is also a crucial factor in terms of search engine optimization, this is something you as a seller want to pay close attention to. You’ll be able to customize the look and feel of your site, including footers, text overlays, and more. You can upload logos for your business or brand here, choose fonts based on your branding aesthetic and design, change your website’s color scheme, and add information about items for sale you’d like to list per page on your website. website and add links to your social media profiles.

Upload products to your shopify store

Now that you’ve decided exactly what your website should look like, it’s crucial to list all the products you have. up for sale, or the services available. On the left side of your admin panel, you will see a bar that says “Products”. Select this to add new products to your listings or choose from products already in your inventory. Here, you can add your product name, a description of what you’re selling, images, pricing, and more. Shopify allows you to also list any variants of a certain product that you might offer. You can also add SEO terms, submission information, and more; there is also the option to list the stock so your customers know which items are still available.

Group and categorize your products

To make it easier for your customers to reach you, make sure that all your products have been properly categorized. For example, you can sell more than just clothes; in that case, you must list the gender, age group or older, for which you offer clothing or other relevant information. Likewise, if you sell household items, you’ll want to have a separate category for that as well. This option is also available on the same admin page under the drop-down list of your products. While you can, you don’t have to add products to collections individually. You can also set up your products in such a way that they were automatically added to certain collections if they meet specific criteria.

To define up Shopify Payment

This step is the most crucial when creating a Shopify store. Once your products are listed and your ecommerce site is ready, you need to define up how customers will pay you, how you will receive payments and much more. Shopify has its own payment gateway; however, you can also use third-party payment solutions. When selecting a payment gateway, make sure you know exactly what fees will be charged per transaction, as well as the various types of accepted payment modes, accepted cards, and more. You can start by carefully examining your user base and demographics, then conduct research if necessary to learn what payment modes your customers are likely to use. You can then choose a solution accordingly.

Learn all about shopify taxes and shipping costs

This is the step where it gets even more serious. Please make sure that all your details have been filled in correctly for taxation purposes as you will need to mention these details on your products. Always keep records of your investments, purchases and other relevant information and make multiple copies of your data. Also, your customers will need to know if additional taxes are included in your costs. To ensure transparency, you can mention Shopify taxes and international shipping fees for each product in the products section and also clearly specify whether they are included in the cost of the product or if they incur an additional cost.

Test your ordering system

Shopify has something called “Bogus Gateway” – which is where you can test if your ordering system is up and working properly. Simply put, to test that your payment and ordering systems are up and running and ensure they are working properly, place an order with actual payment information as you would on any other e-commerce site. Go ahead to buy an item; However, the trick here is to simply cancel the order just in time to ensure your own money is refunded. The next step involves a quick check of your payment gateway’s backend to test that your ordering system is working well.

Customize your domain

A unique domain name is one of the most important parts of e-commerce. You can buy a domain name through Shopify or through an external hosting site. While Shopify domains only cost between $2 and $4 more, with an external domain you may have to redirect DNS yourself. In case you still decide to go ahead with an external domain, make sure you update the information in your Shopify store. This can be done by going back to your Settings and finding the Domain tab. Once there, click “Add Domain” to add it. After that, you will also need to change existing DNS records.

Remove password protection

When you create a Shopify store, it is password protected by default, so while you set it up up, is inaccessible to anyone other than you. Make sure that after you finish setting it up completely, you must disable password protection or your website will remain inaccessible to customers.

Make periodic checks

Make sure you do periodic administrative work on the backend, particularly if you are changing domains, updating plans, and more.

Final note

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