How to Create a Data Entry Form in Excel – Guide

MS Excel is possibly one of the most used software applications since the beginning of the computing age. Some might even say abused considering it has been used in many “unnatural” applications such as word processing. It may not have been the first software application to present users with cell-filled spreadsheets and workbooks with many magical possibilities, but it was certainly the most popular and widely used. To some extent, it also benefited from the explosion of computing devices based on Microsoft Windows operating systems. “Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application designed to perform basic and complex math functions and calculations. In addition to performing arithmetic operations, Excel allows users to create graphical representations of data, forms, and pivot tables. It is also routinely used to classify information and help users identify trends in data.” Not just numbers, MS Excel can also perform logical functions on text data. It can identify the third character in a string of text. It can also remove the first three characters in a text string and paste the cut part and the rest of the original into two separate cells.

How to add the Form tool to Excel

To add the Form tool to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), these are the steps to take:

How to make data entry form in excel

A data entry form is only available for a fully functional Excel table. To get the form, you just need to put your data in a table and click on the form button. Detailed steps follow below:

For simplicity, let’s make this small table as an example:

Final note

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