How to Configure or Disable Linux Mint Update Notifications – Guide

Tired of those annoying Linux Mint update notifications? Or are you so eager to stay up until the moment you want to take a closer look? Either way, customizing or disabling notifications is easy, as we’ll explain. Updating is obviously important to stay safe on Linux. The notifications introduced in Mint 20.2 are designed to make sure you don’t forget about important security patches and kernel updates. However, you may have your own update routine or you may prefer to use the command line instead of the GUI. Here you can customize the number of days, logins and calendars to wait before notifying you of an incoming update. You can also customize how long Update Manager waits after the last update is applied before showing notifications. For all these fields, the shortest time you can set is two days. The easiest way to avoid update notifications altogether is to prevent the update manager from running on startup. This doesn’t mean you can’t get updates or use Update Manager. This means that you will not see any notifications and Update Manager will not appear in your system tray until you manually launch it.

How to Configure Linux Mint Update Notifications

Here, you can adjust the number of days notifications are displayed, log logs, and even schedule notifications to be displayed. You can also adjust how long Update Manager will wait since the latest update is applied before showing notifications.

How to disable linux mint update notifications

The simplest way to completely avoid receiving update notifications is to disable Update Manager from starting automatically. Please note that this does not mean that you will not receive updates or that you will not be able to use Update Manager as before. Instead, you will simply not see any notifications and Update Manager will not appear on the taskbar until you manually launch it.

Final note

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