How to Check Video Quality Before Joining a Google Meet – Guide

Google Meet is releasing a new feature which allows users to review video and audio before joining a Meet video meeting. Google Meet’s new “green room” allows users to view its audio and video and also customize its lighting and placement for the call. Users can find the option at the bottom of the screen (desktop client) under “Check audio and video” button. Here users can choose which microphone, speaker and camera they want to use and test them for the Google Meet call. The software shared the development in a blog post, noting that users can review the new functionality to confirm that peripherals are configured correctly. Users can also check if the network connection is good or see if automatic noise cancellation is working (if available for the account). When an issue is detected, Google Meet will show you tips to fix common issues such as: B. giving your browser permission to use the microphone or camera. Google explains that some of the technical bugs of the new feature may detect include an unintentionally muted microphone, a secondary monitor without a headphone or speaker connection, and other audio issues. The company adds that the new feature will allow users to join meetings securely.

How to Check video quality before joining a Google Meet call

You can follow the instructions listed below to check the video quality before joining a Google Meet call.

Final note

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