How to Block Spam on Google Drive – Guide

Spam is a type of unsolicited message sent by an unknown sender. These messages can be in the form of a text message, email, phone call or a video. The main reason for spam messages is that most of these senders have access to many email addresses and use them to distribute their content. Spam messages can be very annoying and the best way to block this type of spam is to install spam filters on your computer or mobile phone. There are many different types of spam, including some loan offers, phone promotions, offers to extend your car or home insurance guarantee and fake train tickets. A spam message with an attachment is usually an email about a product you didn’t order, the attachment being some kind of malware. These types of spam messages end up in your file list. You can find all items that have been shared with you or downloaded under the Shared with me tab in your Google Drive account. It’s important to note that if you’re a Google Workspace user with a business or education account, you won’t be able to block people from your own domain.

How to block spam in Google Drive from the web

How to block spam on Google Drive on your phone

Final note

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