How to Add Website to Android and iPhone Home Screen – Guide

If you have a list of websites that you visit regularly, saving a few taps on your Android device is creating a shortcut to those websites on your device. home screen. Creating a shortcut on your Android home screen looks like any other app, but touching it will open it in a web browser. In this video I will show you how to use Google Chrome and Samsung Internet App to create website shortcuts. Examples of all the instructions in the steps can be seen in the YouTube video above and in the image collection below the steps. Tap the vertical ellipses on the screen to open a menu, then tap “Add to Home Screen” in the menu. The Add to Home The screen dialog box is displayed. The Name field can be edited. So change the name to be associated with the site link icon if necessary.

Add Website Shortcuts to Android phonede home screen

Add Website Shortcuts to iPhone home screen

Final note

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