Guide: How to Access 1Password from Chromebook

With the popular password manager 1Password, you can use Dropbox to sync your passwords on any device. But if you’re on a Chromebook, the browser extension 1Password won’t work. Do not give up good password hygiene just because there is no native Chrome app. There is a hidden way to access your passwords and other 1Password information from the internet. Keep your passwords close (Shutterstock)

Institution Up Dropbox sync

This trick will not work unless your passwords are synced via Dropbox. If you already do this, then go ahead and skip this section. If you sync your passwords via iCloud, you will need to change your 1Password to sync via Dropbox. You need a Dropbox account before changing the settings. We have written an ultimate guide for managing and securing your passwords. Don’t forget to check it out! In the Mac or PC version, go to Preferences> Sync, then choose Dropbox. Check all your mobile devices and computers and switch to sync via Dropbox. Agilebits has a complete guide to set this up up on any device.

Find your 1Password Vault

Unless you change the default settings, your passwords will be in the 1Password folder in Dropbox. Inside that folder is the 1password.agilekeychain folder.

Open that folder and you will see a 1Password.html file. That is the web interface of your 1Password Vault. Click on that file link and you will find 1Password’s familiar login screen. Once you enter your master password, all of your vault information is there. Agilebits calls this feature 1PasswordAnywhere. Did you know? 1Password stores more than just passwords. Here are some ideas on what else it can do.

Make it easy to find, but not too easy

It is difficult to go through these steps every time to find a password. Do not worry. Drag the 1Password.html directly to your bookmarks. I recommend renaming the bookmark. You don’t want your passwords falling into the wrong hands. I named mine 1PP. Chrome gives you the option to save your password in this file. Do not! So anyone with your Chromebook (or possibly your Gmail account) can access all of your passwords. This password is the only password that your browser should not save. Don’t forget two-factor authentication! If you store your passwords this way, you’ll want to set up two-factor authentication for Dropbox.

Limitations of 1PasswordAnywhere

The program does not let you change the information in your safe – it is read-only. You cannot create or change existing passwords. If you want to use the passwords stored in the vault, they are not auto-filled like on a desktop or a mobile device. If you click Reveal, you can copy the password to another browser field. If you are not online, you cannot access the safe. Usually this is not a serious limitation. After all, you are probably already online if you need those passwords. However, if you store other information there, it will not be accessible until you are online.


Even though 1Password doesn’t have an app for a Chromebook, 1PasswordAnywhere gives you the second best. Don’t forget to set up a qualitative (and different) password for your 1Password and Dropbox. If you don’t, your passwords will be too easily accessible to others over the Internet.

How to Access 1Password from Chromebook: benefits


Final note

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