Guide: Google Dri­ve vs Ama­zon Dri­ve: Comparison and Review

Most of us are familiar with Google Drive, a cloud storage platform that comes with generous free and affordable paid plans with support for many Office productivity apps. Visit Google Drive

1. Interface

When you download and install Google Drive for the first time, a new folder named ‘Google Drive’ is created in a file location you choose. You can move it later. You can also select other folders to sync with Google Drive.

On the other hand, Google Pixel owners also get unlimited photo storage, so I think they are even there. But where Google differs is photo quality. If you accept to upload photos in 16 MP and videos in 1080p or less, you can upload unlimited photos and videos even in the free plan.

2. Features

Google Drive leads the way by allowing users to create and edit multiple file formats such as Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Drawings, and even Sites. A full suite of Office apps that sync all files back to your system for offline access.

Google Drive also comes with a powerful API which means there are many third-party apps available in the store that work with Drive, such as Pixlr, Zoho, pdf converters and so on.

You can bookmarks folders and individual files in Google Drive that you regularly need to work with. Makes life easier when there are too many folders to work with.

Google Drive takes things more seriously. You can control who has access to the files: anyone with the link or specific people. Then you can decide whether they can only view or edit these files. What about existing editors? You can prevent them from adding more people.

3. Apps and Compatibility

4. Prices and plans

Google recently unveiled Google One that offers storage options for all Google products, plus additional benefits such as deals, coupons and special offers. Google seems to be working on it as there are only a few offerings available right now. The next up: Has Google Drive caught your attention? Here are 5 Chrome apps for getting the best out of Google Drive.

Google Dri­ve vs Ama­zon Dri­ve: Comparison and Review: benefits

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Final note

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