The biggest news to come out of Google I/O this week was that Google Assistant is coming to iOS to take a shot at Siri, Apple’s own entrenched AI assistant. While Assistant has been available on Android for a while, how does the AI assistant stack up against Siri when it’s forced to go head-to-head on Apple’s much more limited playing field? We put the two head-to-head.

Guide: Google Assistant Vs Siri – Breaking Them Down

Siri and Google Assistant are two of the most popular virtual personalities that help you keep track of everything from your calendar to the news, sports to music, and everything in between. But which of this two software does their job better? Of course, we can discuss the applicability of Google Assistant and the fact that it has the ability to control any Android device and now has an iOS app that allows Apple users to access Google Assistant, while Siri is strictly an Apple program, but that does not really give a value that is stronger – so we’ll just ignore that. One of the most popular uses for virtual assistants is the daily schedule. Between work, kids, spouses, families, hobbies, second jobs, and sporting events, life gets a little hectic, and having access to a personal secretary to manage our schedules is a huge help. Let’s take a quick look at how Siri and Google Assistant work with us to make sure we don’t miss any big events!

Daily schedule

Siri offers arguably the cleanest way to see your day at a glance. A simple one: “Hey Siri, what’s my day like?” will make her pull up a screenshot of your calendar for the current day. If you can see important events like birthdays, holidays, and scheduled meetings (she’d hate if you miss that 4 pm yoga class) in chronological order, this should help straighten your day in an instant. Now Google Assistant definitely has a daily tracker for you too – but it doesn’t just pull information from your programmed calendar on your phone or computer, it syncs its calendar with any other Google accounts you have. Do you have an email with the date and time of a lunch meeting tomorrow? No problem, Google Assistant can open that email, show you that meeting place and add it to your calendar. All you have to do is ask. Google Assistant also gives you the option to set up your morning routine the way you want it to start your day right. Siri can set an alarm for 8 am tomorrow, but Siri can sync your alarm with the lights in your smart home or sequence your bedroom television to turn on the morning news as soon as you turn off the alarm? Google Assistant can – with the integration that Google Assistant offers, you can program your routine and wake up up your way, every day. One of the nice perks I’ll be giving for Siri is that while Google Assistant will give you the weather for the day, Siri will see the weather, road, and traffic conditions from your morning drive to work, and will actually tell you your current estimated travel time so you know exactly when to leave – without even asking. She takes care of you without you realizing it.


One of the most common uses of mobile devices and assistant-compatible speakers is music. Everything in our culture revolves around music at some level. We drive our cars – SiriusXM radio or some other source of our favorite tunes is blaring. We are so psychologically attuned to music that certain chords or tempos and themes tell us how we should feel in the cinema. Who doesn’t feel a tingle when they hear the loud bass of Darth Vader’s “Imperial March” and watch him stride across the screen? Google Assistant and Siri are both well equipped to play our favorite tunes at the most convenient times. With the ability to sync with YouTube and Spotify, Google Assistant can pull up a playlist/mix of your favorite artists or music styles to put your jam on while cleaning the house, traveling to work, or going for a jog. Siri does go one step further. As you make musical selections with your Siri device, she will learn your personal preferences and musical tastes. For example, if your general playlist is the 90s and 2000s pop music, you can ask Siri to play something you like and she can up some Justin Timberlake or Britney Spears to tickle your imagination. Because she’s so tailored (no pun intended … well … maybe a little bit intended) with your styles and tastes, Siri can even start suggesting specific playlists at appropriate times so you don’t even have to think about it. what you want to evoke up for your listening pleasure.

The smart one Home

One of the growing technology trends is the use of our technology to build our lives home easier. Devices and electronics are becoming more sophisticated to help us use all available data at our fingertips without having to search for it. In addition, things like thermostats that used to be manually set and fought over can now be changed with a simple voice command. Google Assistant and Siri both benefit from the smart home market and work hard to ensure that your home runs as smoothly as your schedule. Nobody likes to come home to a dark house, but how do you have the lights on when you walk in without wasting a lot of precious electricity the entire time you’re gone? Google Assistant and Siri both give the answers with their smart home integration. Just speak the commands and your virtual personal assistants will turn on your living room lights, open your garage door or turn on the power up your television. While Siri does all the basics of home control, the integration here is where we need to give Google Assistant an edge. You can lock your front door through the plug-ins available for Google Assistant up voice print to a connected Hewlett Packard printer, or enable or disable your Wi-Fi networks from a Netgear device; and Chromecast takes voice-controlled television to another level, as it lets you tell your assistant to show your safety camera feed on your television or play music videos through your television and control playback all via voice commands.

Final words

Both Google Assistant and Siri take us to a new era of technology in ways that are very positive for our productivity. Both virtual assistants allow for simple things like creating a grocery list and reminding us to stop at the supermarket on the way home or catch the dry cleaner after work. Siri is great for Apple products, but it eventually has several limitations in functionality and plug-ins when you want to extend its use beyond other Apple products. What we like the most about Google Assistant is its versatility in terms of platforms. Most operating systems have the ability to integrate Google Assistant into the software, making it easier to use your virtual assistant phone in your car in your home without worrying too much about overall system compatibility. Granted, a lot of Google Assistant’s plugins are things Siri can do anyway, but the home integration – the ability to speak voice commands your computer printed from last night’s research paper, for example – provides a range of uses for Google Assistant that Siri just couldn’t keep up with just now. So for now Google Assistant is our winner, but Google will have to pay attention: Apple will focus more on the smart home in upcoming iOS iterations with the new focus on the “HomeApp.

Google Assistant Vs Siri   Breaking Them Down  2022  - 53Google Assistant Vs Siri   Breaking Them Down  2022  - 17Google Assistant Vs Siri   Breaking Them Down  2022  - 27Google Assistant Vs Siri   Breaking Them Down  2022  - 26