Guide: Block Websites on Chromebook: Tips and Tutorial

From blocking distracting gaming websites to hiding adult-focused content, there are a number of reasons you may want to learn how to block websites on a Chromebook. Compsmag Quick Answer Use extensions for the Chrome web browser Read the article for more information If you are a Chromebook user, know that this computer uses the Chrome browser. If you already know how to Navigate Chrome to block websites, you’re done. However, if you are new to the Chromebook family, or don’t have the technical knowledge to translate even the last sentence, this guide is for you!

How do I block websites on Chromebook?

There are a few different ways you can block websites on a Chromebook. The best option depends on your specific needs, such as what you want to block and how thorough you want to be. Check out these options below to determine which one is best for your needs.

Since Google removed the accounts of managed users from Chrome a few years ago, the only built-in way you can control which websites you can view from your Chromebook is to use Safe Search, which allows access to adult content through searches on Internet limited, but no ability to block specific websites by URL. However, it may be enough for your needs as search engines find how many curious minds find adult content they don’t want to see.

Here is how to get started with Safe Search:

This process works in web searches with Google by filtering Google search results for adult or explicit content.

Block websites with Chrome apps

Another very useful way to block websites on a Chromebook is to use a Chrome extension designed for the task. There are currently a few Chrome extensions that help with website blocking or parental controls. First, visit the Google Play Store to find a blocker that fits your needs perfectly. Search for “webblocker” and see the reviews and ratings of all options offered. You can also search app options on Google to roughly the functionality of each app before downloading it.


TinyFilter is a free add-on for Chrome that provides a good level of parental controls and website blocking. This add-on is easy to use and works well as long as you take the time to set it up up good first. It uses a blacklist system and requires you words you want to limit it to the blacklist. Lake words you add, the better the filtering. TinyFilter can be turned off quite easily, which is a bonus if you do it accidentally words to your filter that could pop up in a future research assignment, but it could also be a bad thing if the wrong hands somehow grab your Chromebook and make a few extra clicks.

Block the site

Block Site is another free Chrome extension that provides parental controls over which websites are opened. This extension also works to avoid procrastination if your requirements are less about control and more about productivity. Controls can be password protected and you can add specific URLs to an extensive “block” list for powerful filtering. What really sets Block Site apart is the ability to sync with your phone. That means you can’t just go to your phone for that Facebook fix while your controls are set!

JustBlock security

The JustBlock Security add-on is our final suggestion to block websites on a Chromebook. It also enables parental controls in Chrome and allows you to both blacklist and whitelist URLs as you see fit. This app takes some configuration as it can be quite strict with scripts and ads but as a result you will have the most personalized and efficient block for your needs once you complete the set up. Users can implement the whitelist to keep everything running smoothly and configure ad blocking to run most websites. As with the other browser extensions here, the more time you spend setting them up up, the better it will work for you. Once configured, each of these apps can help you achieve perfect levels of productivity and protection.

Set up a separate child account

Google uses the Family Link app to provide parental controls for children. You must set up a Google account for your child and download the Family Link app. While initially it was intended to lock phone content, Family Link does a good job of securing your Chromebook for younger users. Once set up, the child can log into the Chromebook with their own account and will enforce any websites you want to restrict.

Final Thoughts

There are other parental controls on a Chromebook, including Mobocip, but they are not free. Depending on the level of locking you need, you may want to explore a paid app option. For instance, Mobocip offers extensive monitoring and locking features for things like streaming video, social media content and more. If you found this article helpful, you can enjoy The Best Chromebooks for less than $ 300. Do you know of any other ways to block websites on a Chromebook? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Block Websites on Chromebook: Tips and Tutorial: benefits


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