Guide: Best IFTTT Recipes for Github

IFTTT (abbreviation of If this, then that) is a free service for this connect various online services, such as social media sites, IoT and online productivity tools, and automate typical tasks across themFor example, by using IFTTT you can automatically tweet all of your new Facebook status updates. The services available on IFTTT are called channels, while the automated routines you create over it are known as recipesThe most popular sites in the world, such as Dropbox, Slack, Gmail, and Twitter, are all present as IFTTT channels, but it is less known that many useful IFTTT recipes for Github that can help you manage your development workflow. To use IFTTT, you must sign up before, and also log in to the service for which you want to make recipes. In the list below, click on the images to follow the recipe links. Instapush is a service available in both iOS and Android for receive push notifications from other services such as IFTTT, Zapier or your own custom app. You can use it to receive a push notification when there is a new problem in one of your Github repositories. Email summary is a native IFTTT channel that collects data during a certain period and sends an e-mail overview about this This recipe connects the Email Digest Channel to Github’s new issue trigger to email you weekly about new issues. This way you can get a weekly overview of current problems.

If you are someone who shares their new Github repos on Twitter, you can automate this process by using this recipe. When you add a new repo to your Github account, it becomes tweets it automatically to your followers

Slack is a popular one team communication appIf your team uses Slack to track your projects, why not share some of your Github workflow in it too? This IFTTT recipe will help you with that as it is automatically shared on Slack the last pull request sent to your Github repositories

You can also track pull requests in a Google Drive spreadsheet by using this IFTTT recipe. You can use it as a pull request log to which you can add further details or share via Google Drive.

Use this handy one DO recipe to create a new Github problem from your smartphoneThis way, wherever you are when you spot a bug or a problem with your project, you can fix a problem right from your phone without logging into Github

MyAlerts is a personal web alert service which allows you to get alerts from the sites you like. With this MyAlerts recipe you can receive notifications about the latest updates in all the repositories you use on Github. This way, you can be notified when a Github repo has a new release

Are you a A note user? With this Microsoft recipe you can send new Github issues assigned to you to OneNoteIn OneNote, you can also add relevant information from the web that can help you solve the saved problems.

Receive a push notification when someone has created a new problem in your Github repositories. You need to download IFTTTs ALS app to your smartphone, as you will receive the notifications via the mobile app.

Todoist is a online task list and task management, and with the help of IFTTT, you can use it to convert keep your Github issues as a to-do listUse the recipe below to add a new task in Todoist when there is a new problem in your repo.

You can also create a new task in Todoist to open a new song on Github. If you want to open an issue in your repo, instead of logging in to Github, just create a new task in Todoist for the new song.

You can keep track of the Github issues assigned to you through your iOS Reminders app by using this recipe. Reminders don’t let you forget about your ongoing Github troubles.

Evernote is a popular one note taking and sharing appThis IFTTT recipe automatically notes on new Github issues in a separate Evernote notebook. Later, you can add relevant notes to it in Evernote and share them with your team.

Add your … mobile number to your IFTTT account and use the recipe to get a good old sms every time a new song is opened in one of your repositories.

Take a picture of a problem you have seen in your project with your iPhone, and open a new problem with that screenshot of iPhone photos. In this way, the new release contains a picture of the problem so that your team can understand it better.

Best IFTTT Recipes for Github: benefits


Final note

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