Guide: Best Firefox Exten­sions to Enhance Read­ing Expe­ri­ence

We do a lot of reading and research every day via the internet and by extension our web browsers. Sometimes the sheer amount of information that we can access can sometimes become overwhelming. It’s pretty easy to get lost in those 40+ tabs that are open, you know. There are also times when you really want to take note of a particular section of a web page. While bookmarks will cause the specific page to be highlighted, you still need to search for that specific section that you want to note when you open that bookmark. If you’re looking for ways to deal with your web browser clutter, look no further. Wired-Marker and ColorfulTabs are two effective extensions for Firefox that will help you organize your online reading.

1. ColorfulTabs

ColorfulTabs offers users a dead simple approach to organizing open tabs in Firefox.

By giving each tab a corresponding color, users can quickly and easily distinguish between tabs. Each open tab is given a different color. Not only does this help in terms of organization, but it also makes the web browser more attractive. It helps to break up some of the monotony that can come into play after hours of working at your computer. This is a refreshingly simple solution to an annoying issue that we are likely to run into these days as much of our work is done on computers and by extension using our web browsers.

2. Wired-Marker

Wired-Marker is a tool that you will find very useful when reading online. You can use it as an electronic highlighter for reading material on a web page or you can use it to bookmark a specific section of a website. To mark some of the text in Firefox with Wired-Marker, you can drag some of the text into one of the folders in the Wired-Marker toolbar visible on the left in the screenshot below. You can also right click and select one of the Wired-Marker marking options from the context menu that appears upTo see the toolbar, you must first set it to be visible from the View menu in Firefox.

The folders visible in the screenshot below each have different marking attributes. For example, if you drag and drop a piece of text into the folder named Marker 1, the text will be highlighted in red.

By right-clicking your selected text, you can place it in one of the folders in the toolbar. Simply highlight the text, right click, hover over Wired-Marker then Marker and select the folder / color you want. If you had instead right-clicked Register in “Uncategorized” from the context menu, the highlight would have been the color corresponding to that folder and a bookmark stored under that folder.

The highlighted sections of text are stored in folders accessible from the toolbar and these snippets can be used as accurate bookmarks. After you highlight a piece of text, it will be saved and you can access that fragment in its folder at a later time. Double clicking on it will take you directly to that section of text. Usually a bookmark just directs you to the corresponding web page and then you have to search for the desired text portion. You can also create your own folders and assign the desired properties to the text stored in them. Right-click in the toolbar near the existing folders and select New folder to do so. You can customize the appearance of highlighted text as illustrated in the screenshot below.

Overall, Wired-Marker is an effective and powerful tool that allows users to better track their measurements online. It allows you to quickly find important highlighted text and much more.


If you want to make your online experience and more specifically your online reading experience more streamlined, you should give these two extensions a try if you are a Firefox user. READ ALSO: 4 extensions for Chrome and Firefox to quickly view passwords instead of asterisks

Best Firefox Exten­sions to Enhance Read­ing Expe­ri­ence: benefits


Final note

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