Guide: Adding Hash­tags on Pinterest: Tips and Tutorial

If you’ve ever used Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you should be familiar with the term hashtags. A hashtag is nothing more than a word or a combination of words preceded by the symbol hash (#). Hashtags are clickable wherever they are supported, which makes it different from the rest of the text. It’s like a link embedded in a word. If you click or tap on it, you’ll see similar content from other people using the same hashtag. Hashtags are relatively new to Pinterest, a paradise for finding beautiful, harmless content. If you are confused about it how to use hashtags on Pinterest, you are in the right place. Here you will find all the details about hashtags and how to add them on Pinterest. Let’s start.

How hashtags work on Pinterest

As with hashtags on other websites, adding a hashtag on Pinterest will make the text bold and blue. You will also notice the hashtags appear as a link, just like on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can tap or click on them to view related pins with the same hashtag. For example, if you add #DIY to your Pin, tapping DIY will allow you to see other DIY Pins. Fun fact: DIY stands for do it yourself.

That’s one way to use them. You can also find related pins by typing your hashtag in the Pinterest search. You must type the hash (#) symbol followed by your search. For example #cats, #cushions, etc. Using hashtags is a great way to add relevant clickable content as it increases your visibility on Pinterest.

What happens to hashtags on Pinterest

When you search for something on Pinterest, the results aren’t shown in chronological order. However, if you search with a hashtag or tap or click on a hashtag, you will be presented with new pins in reverse chronological order, that is, from newest to oldest. It’s a great way to view pins sequentially.

Where to add hashtags

Hashtags only work in the pin description, and that’s the only place you need to add them. Interestingly, on the Pinterest Android app and Pinterest website you also get the field to add a title. That is missing in the iPhone app where you can only add a description during the creation of a pin. Tip: To add a title to your PIN on iPhone and iPad, open the published PIN and tap the Edit (pencil) icon. You get the title box.

If you add hashtags in a title (on Android and website), they won’t work as hashtags. However, if you leave the title field blank and add hashtags in the description, they will work in the title too. That’s because Pinterest automatically populates the title tab (if it was left blank) with a truncated version of the actual description on the mobile apps (full version will be shown in the title on the website). So it’s important to keep them only at the beginning of the description when the title tab is empty. If you’ve added a title or you’re using an iOS device, you can add a hashtag anywhere in the description.

How to Add hashtags

It’s not rocket science to add a hashtag. Just precede the word or phrase with the hash symbol (#), and you’re good to go. For example, type #cakes, #bride, etc. On iOS devices, you will also be presented with a list of automatically generated hashtags. Tap a hashtag to add it to your PIN. Reminder: Only add them in the pin description.

How to Add tags to Pinterest boards

Pinterest Boards, which are different from Pins, do not support hashtags. There is no point in adding them there.

Supported Devices

Hashtags work well on iOS devices and the Pinterest website where you can create and click on hashtags. Unfortunately, the ability to click on hashtags is currently missing from the Android app. However, you can add hashtags to your pins (in the description) on the Android app and they will appear as clickable links, but you cannot click on hashtags in other pins.

Edit hashtags

Hashtags are editable. Anytime you think you’ve misspelled a hashtag or entered a wrong one, all you have to do is edit the pin description and adjust the hashtag.

How many hashtags can you add

You can add as many hashtags as you want, but Pinterest descriptions are limited to 500 characters, so you can’t go any further. And Pinterest recommends adding no more than 20 hashtags. However, it is better to limit your hashtags to 3-5, as using too many hashtags can have a negative effect. It’s also important to include only relevant hashtags.

Are they useful and should you use them?

Yes. Hashtags are useful and you should include them in your descriptions as it will draw more traffic to your pins and make them search-friendly. Hashtags on Pinterest aren’t as uncompromising as those on Instagram. The feature appears broken or unpolished in many ways. For starters, if you do two searches, one without a hashtag and one with a hashtag, the results will be more relevant in the first. This can be for two reasons. First, people use hashtags aimlessly. Second, very few people use hashtags.

Additionally, hashtags sometimes return non-hashtagged results that also match the content based on related keywords. On the other hand, it’s useful because your pins without hashtags will reach more people.

Tips to use hashtags

Here are a few tips to get the most out of hashtags on Pinterest.

Be specific in your approach. Use relevant hashtags. Only use a few hashtags. Don’t go on hashtag spree just to add it. Use them to find new content. They can use company profiles for a competition, promotion or to brand their pins.

Pinterest, do them right

Pinterest seems confused about the hashtag featureWhile they’ve included it, there’s a lot more to be done starting with the support for the Android app. Although the feature has its shortcomings, it doesn’t hurt to add hashtags to your pins. So it is better to include them in your pin description. The next up: Want to change the look of your Pinterest boards? Check these tips and tricks to enhance your boating experience.

Adding Hash­tags on Pinterest: Tips and Tutorial: benefits

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Final note

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